Inspirational Teaching:
Go Forward

Exodus 14:15, 16

15 And the LORD said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.

16 “But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.

Some people are fond of quoting the saying, “God helps those who help themselves.”

Although this is not in the Bible, there is a principle involved in that saying.

We are to do all we can about our situation, and then depend upon God to do the rest.

The children of Israel were in dire straits!

The Red Sea was before them.

The Egyptian army was behind them.

Their situation seemed hopeless!

What did they do?

They did what most people do.

They complained about their situation.

Complaining about your problem doesn’t do anything, but bring more negativity into your life.

It doesn’t take much energy to complain.

It doesn’t take a lot of intelligence either.

Ordinary people took about how bad the problem is.

People that have faith look for solutions.

It is easy to be problem conscious!

It takes faith to look for solutions!

What did God tell them to do?

He told them to go forward!

And He told Moses to lift up the rod toward the sea.

They were to do what they could do, though it seemed futile.

They went forward. Keep going forward even though it may seem fruitless.

Moses lifted up the rod.

When they did what they could do, God did what only He could do!

He parted the waters!

There is a story of the army that was being defeated.

The commander told the bugler to sound retreat.

The army had never retreated before.

The bugler was used to sounding “charge” that he mistakenly sounded “charge” instead.

The army that thought that they were defeated attacked.

When they moved forward with the attack they routed the enemy!

Oh, the greatness of God!

He gave Israel a cloud and the cloud gave them light.

Have you ever wondered why the Egyptians followed Israel into the Red Sea?

The same cloud that gave Israel light caused darkness to the Egyptians.

They did not know they were going into the sea.

Exodus 14:20 So it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel.

Thus it was a cloud and darkness to the one, and it gave light by night to the other, so that the one did not come near the other all that night.

When you move forward for God He will give you light!

He will turn the darkness into light! He will turn your night into day!

God gave illumination to His people!

He gave confusion to their enemy.

Are you worried about the enemy?

Are you worried about opposition?

If you go forward for God He will take care of the opposition.
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